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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Simply Best Deals On Websites

Domain Names and Registrars

When starting up a website there are some basics that one cannot avoid, such as choosing domain name and getting in contact with a domain name registrar. We know that there is a lot to think about and it is only natural to feel a bit confused at times. Not only will you have to find a top domain name - you will also have to consider things such as regulations, rights and strange abbreviations. To help you we thought that it might be a good idea to explain it all to you and make sure that you are not wasting any time on figuring it all out.

Why Should You Own a Domain Name?

Well, if we are to be perfectly honest with you buying your own domain name is not necessary, but first have a look at the classical way of setting up web sites. Some years ago it was common to put up the sites via your ISP (e.g. Comcast or Time Warner). This is still possible but it comes with some risks. If you choose to set up your site the old fashioned way you will be locked to your provider - this goes for the domain name as well as the e-mail. If, or when, you choose to break free from your provider, 301 redirects are a must. This means that the search engines will lose track of you, as will probably your visitors, dropping the coveted ranks you have earned.

So, owning your own domain name is not necessary but since it comes at a low cost we think that it might be a good investment. It is still possible to buy your hosting, internet connection, wherever you like. You can register several domain names on one single set of web hosting account; for example same domain name with different TLDs, .com, .info, and .biz. This is done with branding in mind. Remember to choose one, preferably the .com, which is the most important and link the others to this site. Owning your own domain name increases the chances of getting a high rank on search engines, but what you do with the site will obviously be the deciding factor.

What Domain Name to Choose?

Picking a Domain Name can be quite the task but there are a few things that you should ask yourself when finding yourself at this moment. First of all, think about what the purpose is of your business and the web site. Your budget will also set the limit of what domain name you can choose. If you live in the US and do not specify the top level domain, you want to get the .com by default.

However, if you live and run your business outside of the US you might still want to consider getting your domain name in .com as well as in your local top level domain. For two reasons: 1) a .com is the most powerfully branded TLD; 2) a local TLD would lead to a higher search engine ranking in the local Google/Yahoo index.

SEO and Domain Names

Some people think that SEO only is about stuffing keywords in the content and getting links to their site. Sure, that is important, but there are a couple major concepts you should know about when it comes to SEO and domain names. The older the domain name is, the better it will rank on the search engines. Search engines value older sites than newer one, almost like legacy holding. If you are looking to buy a domain at say it might be worth looking up how old the name is.

Second, domain names should be easy to understand and related to the content of the webpage. Some companies have been successful with creating company names that completely unrelated to the theme of the site. Doing this, means you will have to work very hard with associating your domain name to the content. The better way is to tie the two together. Want a quilting and hobby site? Choose a name like or A site called will take a longer time to be understood by a search engine as a quilting site 

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